The US debt is priced in USD, so when USD goes down, that means US debt is being burned down. Win!
But USD is also going up, so it allows people with piles of USD to buy out piles of real estate outside USA. Win!

Wait a second! How can USD go both down and up at the same time?
That's not possible!

"Possible, Raika. Possible."

Sep 14 2022

Note 1. Google "negative oil". Which is of course "impossible" as well. Only it happened.

Apr 23 2023

Note 2. Still think it won't or can't happen? Here's George Soros... from 2009... It has a nice chart.

May 22 2023

Swiss view. On USD.

The idiots just always create extremes and then stack the opposites against each other. They don't care. 100 y/o.

Jul 10 2023

"BRICS planning to introduce new trading currency backed by gold at August summit"

"Gold standard will be a great benefit to strengthening single currency"

"41 countries have applied for BRICS-membership"

Jul 15 2023

The decisive milestone is August 22-24. South Africa.

Aug 02 2023

US (government) rating degraded from AAA to AA+

Sep 20 2023

Peter Schiff: The Inflation War Is Over; Inflation Won! I can only validate a few of his points, but many things he says are valid : Fed Chart. Political stuff he says - I'm not sure. Macro trajectory - I think he is correct. The problem is the timing, though. Making this call at this time is risky (on his side). He is good at his job, yes. He recorded it 4 days ago, but it's being shilled only today (after the Fed meeting) so he is doing his job nicely, the people, who are doing their job of shilling (4 days later, after the run) are doing their job ok as well, the end result for a viewer? Great episode, 4 days too late. Yeah ... Should listen to him realtime ...

Sep 26 2023

So the guy was effectively pumping PMs right in the middle of DXY run? Interesting guy. Was it the middle though? We will know in a week.

Nov 10 2023

Moody's cuts U.S. outlook to negative